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At Aldersbrook, we believe that reading is at the heart of learning. Throughout our curriculum, we embed core reading skills to ensure children are able to use ambitious vocabulary, meaningfully, confidently and appropriately; apply their understanding of reading across the curriculum; write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others; and take these skills forward through each year group. Through reading in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Reading also enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society. The overarching aim for English in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment and curiosity. 

We want to make sure that the teaching of reading focusses on developing the children’s skills in:

  • Word reading
  • Comprehension (both listening and reading)

It is essential that, by the end of their primary education, all pupils can read fluently, and with confidence, so that they are empowered for their future education and for life.

To ensure the children are skilled readers we:

1. Have a whole school systematic phonics programme

The school uses Super Sonic Phonic Friends, which is a validated scheme. This breaks the words down into sounds and the children learn a new sound every day until they have developed a code for the 44 different sounds in English. As soon as children recognise sounds, they use them to blend words and to start reading stories at their own level. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have a daily reading skills lesson with a focus on decoding and comprehension skills.

2. Send reading books home every day


Books for sharing are sent home for families to discuss and share stories to develop a love of reading.

In Reception:

Key word lists will be sent home and the children will be given new words as they show that they are secure with the previous ones. Children will be sent home with reading books as the teacher feels it is appropriate to do so.

In KS1:

Staged Books, that are aligned with the Phonics scheme, go home every night. These books need to be recorded in a Reading Record and can be changed in school when the book is signed by a parent/carer. 

In KS2:

KS2 books - some children may continue to take home a staged book. This will help to consolidate any further phonic knowledge and apply what they have learnt. Children do not change books stages unless they show that they have read and understood the current stage they are on. From year 3 onwards, pupils take home their class reader every night.

Additional Reading Opportunities

  • We set personalised targets for pur pupils so that they know what they have to do to improve.
  • We teach comprehension every week so that the children work on skills to understand different types of text.
  • Clear intervention procedures for those who need additional support.
  • We ensure that children regularly share a class reader with their teacher through reading a class book together. These books are shared, discussed and may provide the stimulus for comprehension or writing sessions.
  • All classrooms have enticing book corners in all classrooms and a well-stocked library that encourages our children to read.
  • Local community library visits
  • Daily Guided Reading lessons
  • High quality texts are read and explored throughout our English lessons.
  • Have a book approach to the English curriculum, which really teaches children to appreciate and understand various texts. This includes knowing the author’s intention, understanding structure and increasing language and vocabulary and reading relating to writing. 

Whole Class Guided Reading:

Year 1 - Year 6

We teach Whole Class Guided reading daily, during our Guided Reading lessons. All reading skills are developed through a range of reading activities, including a weekly teacher-led class discussion with each group. Teacher-led discussions are used with a focus group daily to inform teacher assessment.

Here is an overview of our core texts in Guided Reading

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

Library Bus

We are extremely lucky at Aldersbrook Primary to have the opportunity to access the fantastic library bus once a week with our class teacher. Children are able to borrow the book of their choice from a wide variety of, story books, fact files, recipe books, comics and much more!

Furthermore, we have a library bus club which is held for year 4, 5 and 6 during lunch times with the amazing Mrs Rock! Children are able to read the books of their choice, as well as help personalise the library with their own recommendation’s, book reviews and so much more.

Even though the library bus is full of fantastic opportunities already, we are continuously working hard to make it even better for the children of Aldersbrook Primary and would love suggestions on how to improve. 
Aldersbrook Primary School - World Book Day 2019

Themed Days & Educational Visits/Visitors

World Book Day 2022